| Labour market
2004: 99,283
Population change (as compared to the previous year): - 0.01%
Demographic structure:
- pre-working age: 21.6%
- working age: 63.9%
- retired age: 14.5%
Employment in total:
2002: 19,145
2003: 19,048
2004: 20,064
Employment in specific economic sectors in 2004:
- agriculture: 0.12%
- industry: 28.37%
- services: 27.64%
- trade: 15.20%
- public administration, national defence, welfare: 10.75%
- education: 10.51%
- health care and welfare work: 6.73%
- other: 0.01%
Employment in the private sector:
2002: 53.1%
2003: 54.7%
2004: 54.3%
Average monthly pay (PLN):
2002: 1,811
2003: 1,840
2004: 1,896
Unemployment rate:
2002: 32.1%
2003: 32.6%
2004: 30.6%