| Labour market
2004: 118,516
Population change (as compared to the previous year): - 0.02%
Demographic structure:
pre-working age: 17.53%
working age: 67.29%
retired age: 15.17%
Employment in total:
2002: 36,942
2003: 34,604
2004: 36,174
Employment in specific economic sectors:
applies to 2002
- agriculture, hunting, forestry: 0.19%
- industry: 22.5%
- construction: 3.46%
- trade and repairs: 14.23%
- transport, property management, telecommunication :8.6%
- financial brokerage: 8%
- real estate services: 12.62%
- education: 12.27%
- health care and social welfare: 6.51%
Average monthly pay (PLN):
2002: 1,954
2003: 2,026
2004: 2,241 (gross rate)
Unemployment rate:
2002: 14.1%
2003: 14.67% (data from October)
2004: 13.3% (data from July)