| Labour market
2004: 119,675
2005: 118,821
Population increase (compared to the previous year): + 0.85%
Demographic structure:
- przedprodukcyjny / pre-working age: 19.6%
- produkcyjny / working age: 64.5%
- poprodukcyjny / retired age: 15.9%
Employment in total:
2002: 38,746
2003: 41,265
2004: 39,950
Employment in specific economic sectors:
- industry and building: 18,441 persons
- market and non-market services: 20,769 persons
- other: 75 persons
Employment in the private sector:
2002: 49.7%
2003: 38.9%
2004: 40.5%
Average monthly pay (PLN):
2002: 1,748
2003: 1,948
2004: 2,024
Unemployment rate:
2003: 12.2%
2004: 12.2% (recorded at the end of August 2004)
2005: 11.4%