| Foreign investment to date
Timken Polska Sp. z o.o. - producer of steel and bearings (kapitał amerykański) / (US capital)
Foster Wheeler Energy Fakop Sp. z o.o. - producer of fluid boilers (kapitał amerykański) / (US capital)
Magnetti Marelli Poland S.A. - producer of motor spare parts (Italian capital)
Bitron Poland Sp. z o.o. - producer of home equipment and motor spare parts for motor industry (Italian capital)
Ergom Poland Sp. z o.o. - producer of plastic and plastic accessories for motor industry (Italian capital)
ER.SI Poland Sp. z o.o. - producer of plastic and plastic accessories for motor industry (Italian capital)
Heraeus Elektro-Nite Polska Sp. z o.o. - producer of highly specialized measuring and control instrumentation (Belgian capital)
Daimler Chrysler Automobil Polska - the biggest Mercedes-Benz automobile salon in Silesia, the only Smart Centre in southern Poland (German capital)
Ferroli Polska Sp. z o.o. - producer of heating appliances (Italian capital)
Segu Polska - producer of cables and cable harnesses (German capital)
Process Electronic - electronic branch: research and development centre (Canadian capital)
ERGOMOULDS Sp. z o.o. - production of moulds and matrices (Italian capital)
Polskapresse Sp. z o.o. - publishing house (German capital)
Ficomirrors Polska Sp. z o.o. - producer of automotive mirrors (Spanish capital)
GEIGER Technik Polska Sp. z o.o. - production of automotive modules (German capital)
CEBI Poland Sp. z o.o. - design and manufacture of automotive components (Italian capital)
AV-EL Sp. z o.o. - producer of plastic (Italian capital)
VITRUM Sp. z o.o. - producer of glass articles (Italian and Luxemburg capital)
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