| Labour market
2004: 570,800
Population change (as compared to the previous year): - 0.57%
Demographic structure:
for the 2004 year
- pre-working age: 16.3%
- working age: 67.2%
- retired age: 16.5%
Employment in total:
2002: 219,400
2003: 213,680
2004: 225,700
Employment in specific economic sectors:
for the 2004 year
- industry: 62.5%
- construction: 12.8%
- (including trade, repairs, hotels and restaurants, transport, telecommunications, finance, real estate, and business assistance)
- other services: 2.7%
Employment in the private sector (of enterprises):
2002: 87.4%
2003: 83.7%
2004: 86.2%
Average monthly pay (PLN):
2002: 2,412
2003: 2,642
2004: 2,600
Unemployment rate:
2002: 7.1%
2003: 7.1%
2004: 7%