| Labour market
2004: 248,032
Population change (as compared to the previous year): - 0.57%
Demographic structure (for the year 2004):
- pre-working age: 17.5%
- working age: 65.7%
- retired age: 16.8%
Employment in total*:
2002: 72,926
2003: 70,365
2004: 71,428
* excluding people employed in private agriculture entities and in businesses with less than 9 employees
Employment in specific economic sectors:
for the year 2002
- agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing: 0.2%
- industry and construction: 42.5%
- market services: 29.9%
- non-market services: 27.4%
for the year 2003
- industry and construction: 42.5%
- market services: 30.5%
- non-market services: 26.8%
for the year 2004
- industry and construction: 43.8%
- market services: 29.8%
- non-market services: 26.2%
Average monthly pay (PLN):
2002: 1,966
2003: 2,038
2004: 2,122
Unemployment rate:
2002: 15.8%
2003: 16.2%
2004: 16.2%
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