| Local overhead costs
Electricity (PLN per kWh): approx. 0.2 (current prices and tariffs: www.zek.pl)
Gas (PLN per cu m): approx. 0.6 (current prices and tariffs:www.gazownia.krakow.pl)
Water (PLN per cu m): 2.55
Sewerage (PLN per cu m): 2.44
(current prices and tariffs www.mpwik.krakow.pl)
Rent charges (EUR per sq m):
- office space:
class A: 13-14
class B: 9-13
- commercial space: 15-75
- residential space: 20-30
Prices of:
- residential space (PLN per sq m): 4,000-12,000 (primary market)
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